The Starting Gate
Established in 2010, Reid and Sarah Nagle purchased their initial 20-acre lot with 2 barns and 50 stalls at Oak Ridge Training Center in Morriston, FL to accommodate their own training operation. Initially, they occupied one barn and rented out the other. Over time the Nagles continued to purchase additional Oak Ridge properties, such that by the fall of 2021 Big Lick owned 11 of the 14 20-acre parcels at Oak Ridge. Having learned the needs of a top-flight racing and training operation from their own racing and training experiences, Reid and Sarah understand the unique qualifications a facility must have to support trainers at the top end of the sport. The Nagles have continued to invest in Oak Ridge with a belief that most other training facilities closer to Ocala are no longer investing, with the expectation that many of them are likely to be purchased by the World Equestrian Center and its sport horse enthusiasts and at some point will cease being thoroughbred training centers. To fill that expected void, the Nagles have committed to making every aspect of Oak Ridge the best that it can be.

The Quarter Pole
Today, Big Lick Stall Rental boasts 220 acres including 22 barns containing 440 stalls with direct access to high-performance training facilities set within a quiet, calm environment. With a superior one-mile dirt track, 7/8-mile turf course, starting gate, eurocisers, a Kraft Water Aquaciser, ECB cold saltwater spa, swim ponds, vibrating Vitafloor, round pens, paddocks, fly control systems in all barns, commercial ice machines accessible to all barns and professional staff, Big Lick Stall Rentals is Florida’s premier training facility and home to world-class trainers and equine athletes.
The Finish Line
Training racehorses continues to evolve and requires innovation, hunger, and passion. Big Lick Stall Rentals intends to meet every future need to include building facilities such as an onsite equine rehabilitation clinic, onsite veterinary clinic, and new barn expansions. Much like thoroughbreds, only thoughtful growth and conditioning produce desired results. Establishing your racing operation at Big Lick Stall Rentals’ facilities at Oak Ridge ensures you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities for breaking, training, and rehabilitating successful racehorses.